Is Your Surname Remunerative? Surname Favorability and CEO Compensation​
Journal of Corporate Finance [83. 102474 (December 2023)]
Jay H. Jung, Sonya Lim, Jongwon Park
An Analyst by Any Other Surname: Surname Favorability and Market Reaction to Analyst Forecasts
Journal of Accounting and Economics [67 (2-3): 306-335 (April-May 2019)], [Online Appendix]
Jay H. Jung, Alok Kumar, Sonya Lim, Choong-Yuel Yoo
Do Analysts Who Understand Accounting Conservatism Exhibit Better Forecasting Performance?
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting [44 (7-8): 953-985 (July-August 2017)]
Jay H. Jung, Sonya Lim, Jinhan Pae, Choong-Yuel Yoo
Professors on the Board: Do They Contribute to Society Outside the Classroom?
Journal of Business Ethics [141 (2): 393-409 (2017)]​
Charles Cho, Jay H. Jung, Byungjin Kwak, Jaywon Lee, Choong-Yuel Yoo
Do Analysts Treat Winners and Losers Differently When Forecasting Earnings?
International Journal of Forecasting [31 (2): 531-549 (April-June 2015)]
Jay H. Jung, Jinhan Pae, Choong-Yuel Yoo
Selected Working Papers
Mood Images and Shareholder Voting
Zan Li, Pawel Bilinski, Jay H. Jung
Identification of Analyst Coverage Initiations​
Jay H. Jung, Yong Yu, Wuyang Zhao
Analysts' Cultural Long-term Orientation
Shuping Chen, Jay H. Jung, Sonya Lim, Yong Yu
Perceived Firm Trustworthiness and Market Underreaction to Earnings News​
Jay H. Jung, Jun-Koo Kang, Sonya Lim, Choong-Yuel Yoo